The School for Good and Evil Wikia

The School for Evil Edification and Propagation of Sin
School for Evil

School for Evil


The School for Evil has three towers Malice, Mischief and Vice that the students live and learn in. It is surrounded by a putrid, foul-smelling moat, filled to the brim with thick black sludge. The School is also protected/guarded by wolves that keep the students inline.

There are rules for the students at the School for Evil to follow;

  1. The Evil Attack
  2. The Evil Punish
  3. The Evil Hurt
  4. The Evil Take
  5. The Evil Hate

[Page 157 of Book 1]


Students at the School for Evil wear black tunics that are more like sacks. Sophie is appalled by the uniform and during The School for Good and Evil she alters it into a more flattering form to try and look how she used to and grab Tedros' attention.

After The Last Ever After (Book 3) Sophie becomes Dean of Evil, as per the wishes of Lady Lesso, and takes it upon herself to alter the uniform of both Good and Evil, creating more stylish looks for each school


School for Evil Lessons



Uglification Professor Bilious Manley
Henchman Training Castor
Curses & Death Traps Lady Lesso
History of Villainy Professor August Sader
Special Talents Professor Sheeba Sheeks
Surviving Fairy Tales Yuba the Gnome

[Page 48 of Book 1 ]

  • Best Villainous Monlogues, 2nd ed.
  • Spells for Suffering, Year 1
  • The Novice's Guide to Kidnapping & Murder
  • Embracing Ugliness Inside & Out
  • How to Cook Children (with New Recipes!)

School for Boys[]

During The School for Good and Evil: A World Without Princes the School for Evil is transformed into the School for Boys.
